We are truly devastated with the loss of our daughter, and we were in total shock when we realised that such a common virus took her away, and at the lack of information available. We want to share her story to raise awareness of how lethal the cold sore virus can be to new born babies, and in Eibhlín's legacy, we have a few simple aims.
- To ensure the general public is aware how lethal a cold sore can be to a new born baby
Awareness & Education (Public/Professional)
- To provide an information leaflet with Eibhlín's story / website in the welcome packs issued to mothers-to-be in the maternity hospitals
- To ensure Eibhlín's story will be mentioned in the ante natal classes
- To place information posters in clinics
- To remind visitors to Mums & Babies not to visit if they have a current cold sore
- To provide more information to student midwives/ nurses/ healthcare workers
- To ensure Consultants include Herpes Simplex Virus & Eibhlín's story in lectures/ educational forums
- To encourage GPs to discuss HSV with expectant mothers, and after the birth of their baby, to be mindful if they or close family and friends suffer from coldsores.
- To place posters and/or leaflets in GP surgeries
- To encourage Maternity Hospitals to include in their policies on infection a specific protocol that applies to any staff member with active HSV working with neonates
- To ensure Infection Control sections of Maternity Hospitals provide information online for patients & visitors
- Expectant mothers should be screened to check for herpes as this may inform clinical decisions concerning risk to their baby.